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adsmsext.dll 6.1 - ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsmsext.dll 6.1 is the "ADs LDAP Provider DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". adsmsext.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: adsmsext.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\adsmsext.d llFile size: 77312 ...
2018-01-16, 1935👍, 0💬

api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll 6.1 - ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader- l1-1-0.dll6.1 is the "ApiSet Stub DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". api-ms-win-core-libraryloader- l1-1-0.dllis probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: api-ms-win-core-libraryl...
2017-12-26, 1185👍, 0💬

audiodg.exe 6.1 - Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation
audiodg.exe 6.1 is the "Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation " executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". audiodg.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: audiodg.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\audiod...
2017-10-08, 1328👍, 0💬

basecsp.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
basecsp.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". basecsp.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: basecsp.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\basecsp.d. ..
2017-08-08, 1200👍, 0💬

BFE.DLL 6.1 - Base Filtering Engine
BFE.DLL 6.1 is the "Base Filtering Engine" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". BFE.DLL is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: BFE.DLL File path: c:\windows\system32\BFE.DLL File size: 494592 bytes Last modi...
2017-07-25, 1065👍, 0💬

bitsperf.dll 7.5 - Perfmon Counter Access
bitsperf.dll 7.5 is the "Perfmon Counter Access" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". bitsperf.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: bitsperf.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\bitsperf.d llFile size: 1...
2017-07-21, 1021👍, 0💬

browser.dll 6.1 - Computer Browser Service DLL
browser.dll 6.1 is the "Computer Browser Service DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". browser.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: browser.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\browser.dl lFile size: 102...
2017-06-28, 1255👍, 0💬

certenc.dll 6.1 - Active Directory Certificate Services Encoding
certenc.dll 6.1 is the "Active Directory Certificate Services Encoding" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". certenc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: certenc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cert...
2017-05-29, 964👍, 0💬

clusapi.dll 6.1 - Cluster API Library
clusapi.dll 6.1 is the "Cluster API Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". clusapi.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: clusapi.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\clusapi.dl lFile size: 230912 b...
2017-04-08, 1010👍, 0💬

clfsw32.dll 6.1 - Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL
clfsw32.dll 6.1 is the "Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". clfsw32.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: clfsw32.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\clfsw32.dl lFile size:...
2017-04-08, 989👍, 0💬

comsvcs.dll 2001.12 - COM+ Services
comsvcs.dll 2001.12 is the "COM+ Services" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". comsvcs.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: comsvcs.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\comsvcs.dl lFile size: 1242112 by...
2017-02-25, 1224👍, 0💬

cryptxml.dll 6.1 - XML DigSig API
cryptxml.dll 6.1 is the "XML DigSig API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". cryptxml.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: cryptxml.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cryptxml.d llFile size: 85504 byt...
2017-02-03, 1283👍, 0💬

cscapi.dll 6.1 - Offline Files Win32 API
cscapi.dll 6.1 is the "Offline Files Win32 API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". cscapi.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: cscapi.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cscapi.dll File size: 34816 by...
2017-02-03, 973👍, 0💬

cscsvc.dll 6.1 - CSC Service DLL
cscsvc.dll 6.1 is the "CSC Service DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". cscsvc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: cscsvc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cscsvc.dll File size: 546304 bytes Last mo...
2017-01-29, 1222👍, 0💬

cscobj.dll 6.1 - In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API
cscobj.dll 6.1 is the "In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". cscobj.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: cscobj.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cscobj.d.. .
2017-01-29, 1154👍, 0💬

davclnt.dll 6.1 - Web DAV Client DLL
davclnt.dll 6.1 is the "Web DAV Client DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". davclnt.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: davclnt.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\davclnt.dl lFile size: 81920 bytes L...
2016-12-08, 1168👍, 0💬

dataclen.dll 6.1 - Disk Space Cleaner for Windows
dataclen.dll 6.1 is the "Disk Space Cleaner for Windows" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dataclen.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dataclen.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dataclen.d llFile...
2016-12-08, 1059👍, 0💬

dbghelp.dll 6.1 - Windows Image Helper
dbghelp.dll 6.1 is the "Windows Image Helper" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dbghelp.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dbghelp.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dl lFile size: 854016 ...
2016-12-04, 1176👍, 0💬

defragsvc.dll 6.1 - Microsoft\Disk Defragmenter
defragsvc.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft\Disk Defragmenter" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". defragsvc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: defragsvc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\defragsvc. dllFil...
2016-12-02, 8788👍, 0💬

devrtl.dll 6.1 - Device Management Run Time Library
devrtl.dll 6.1 is the "Device Management Run Time Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". devrtl.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: devrtl.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\devrtl.dll File siz...
2016-11-20, 1239👍, 0💬

devobj.dll 6.1 - Device Information Set DLL
devobj.dll 6.1 is the "Device Information Set DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". devobj.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: devobj.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\devobj.dll File size: 64512 byt...
2016-11-20, 1219👍, 0💬

DeviceUxRes.dll 6.1 - Windows Device User Experience Resource File
DeviceUxRes.dll 6.1 is the "Windows Device User Experience Resource File" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". DeviceUxRes.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: DeviceUxRes.dll File path: c:\windows\sys...
2016-11-20, 938👍, 0💬

dhcpcore.dll 6.1 - DHCP Client Service
dhcpcore.dll 6.1 is the "DHCP Client Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dhcpcore.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dhcpcore.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dhcpcore.d llFile size: 2544...
2016-11-17, 1248👍, 0💬

dhcpcsvc6.dll 6.1 - DHCPv6 Client
dhcpcsvc6.dll 6.1 is the "DHCPv6 Client" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dhcpcsvc6.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dhcpcsvc6.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6. dllFile size: 44032 ...
2016-11-15, 1399👍, 0💬

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