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ws2_32.dll - Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
ws2_32.dll - Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: ws2_32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of ws2_32.dll - Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL: File name: ws2_32.dll Description: Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL File version: 5.1.2600.55...
2016-07-14, 16938👍, 2💬

💬 2016-07-08 FYIcenter: Hi Peter, what version of Windows are you running? We can help to find a copy of ws2_32.dll for you. Or you can try Microsoft's ...

💬 2016-07-06 Peter: Can not find the download. Please help!

kernel32.dll - Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
kernel32.dll - Windows NT BASE API Client DLL, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: kernel32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of kernel32.dll - Windows NT BASE API Client DLL: File name: kernel32.dll Description: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL File version:...
2017-05-04, 14819👍, 1💬

winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver
winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: winspool.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver: File name: winspool.drv Description: Windows Spooler Driver File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 146,...
2009-10-01, 12273👍, 0💬

msvcrt.dll - Windows NT CRT DLL
msvcrt.dll - Windows NT CRT DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube monitor. Download: msvcrt.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of msvcrt.dll - Windows NT CRT DLL: File name: msvcrt.dll Description: Windows NT CRT DLL File version: 7.0...
2009-09-19, 11457👍, 0💬

winmm.dll - MCI API DLL
winmm.dll - MCI API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: winmm.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of winmm.dll - MCI API DLL: File name: winmm.dll Description: MCI API DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 176,128 bytes Modified: Monday, April 14, 2008, 5...
2009-09-29, 11234👍, 0💬

ntdll.dll - NT Layer DLL
ntdll.dll - NT Layer DLL, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: ntdll.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of ntdll.dll - NT Layer DLL: File name: ntdll.dll Description: NT Layer DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5755 Size: 714,752 bytes Modified: Monday, February 09, ...
2009-09-19, 10594👍, 0💬

user32.dll - Windows XP USER API Client DLL
user32.dll - Windows XP USER API Client DLL, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: user32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of kernel32.dll - Windows XP USER API Client DLL: File name: user32.dll Description: Windows XP USER API Client DLL File version: 5.1.2...
2009-09-19, 9321👍, 0💬

dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper
dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: dbghelp.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper: File name: dbghelp.dll Description: Windows Image Helper File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 640,000 bytes ...
2009-09-19, 8942👍, 0💬

oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL
oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. Download: oleaut32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL File name: oleaut32.dll Description: OLE Automation DLL File v...
2016-10-20, 8940👍, 1💬

💬 2016-10-20 Sathish kumar: thanks

mpr.dll - Multiple Provider Router DLL
mpr.dll - Multiple Provider Router DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: mpr.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of mpr.dll - Multiple Provider Router DLL: File name: mpr.dll Description: Multiple Provider Router DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 59,904...
2009-09-20, 8757👍, 0💬

iphlpapi.dll - IP Helper API
iphlpapi.dll - IP Helper API is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. IP stands for Internet Protocol. Download: iphlpapi.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of iphlpapi.dll - IP Helper API: File name: iphlpapi.dll Description: IP Helper API File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size...
2009-09-19, 8727👍, 0💬

powrprof.dll - Power Profile Helper DLL
powrprof.dll - Power Profile Helper DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: powrprof.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of powrprof.dll - Power Profile Helper DLL: File name: powrprof.dll Description: Power ...
2009-10-13, 8607👍, 0💬

wldap32.dll - Win32 LDAP API DLL
wldap32.dll - Win32 LDAP API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Download: wldap32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of wldap32.dll - Win32 LDAP API DLL: File name: wldap32.dll Description: Win32 LDAP API DLL...
2009-09-19, 8597👍, 0💬

crypt32.dll - Crypto API32
crypt32.dll - Crypto API32 is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: crypt32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of crypt32.dll - Crypto API32: File name: crypt32.dll Description: Crypto API32 File version: 5.131.2600.5512 Size: 599,040 bytes Modified: Monday, Apri...
2009-09-19, 8562👍, 0💬

ole32.dll - Microsoft OLE for Windows
ole32.dll - Microsoft OLE for Windows is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. Download: ole32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of ole32.dll - Microsoft OLE for Windows: File name: ole32.dll Description: Microsoft OLE for Wind...
2009-09-19, 8499👍, 0💬

ntdsapi.dll - NT5DS
ntdsapi.dll - NT5DS is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: ntdsapi.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of ntdsapi.dll - NT5DS: File name: ntdsapi.dll Description: NT5DS File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 67,072 bytes Modified: Monday, April 14, 2008, 5:42:04 AM P...
2009-09-19, 8455👍, 0💬

gdi32.dll - GDI Client DLL
gdi32.dll - GDI Client DLL, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. GDI stands for Graphics Device Interface. Download: gdi32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of gdi32.dll - GDI Client DLL: File name: gdi32.dll Description: GDI Client DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5698 Siz...
2009-09-19, 8423👍, 0💬

advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API
advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: advapi32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API: File name: advapi32.dll Description: Advanced Windows 32 Base API File version: 5.1.2...
2009-09-19, 8395👍, 0💬

lz32.dll - LZ Expand/Compress API DLL
lz32.dll - LZ Expand/Compress API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: lz32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of lz32.dll - LZ Expand/Compress API DLL: File name: lz32.dll Description: LZ Expand/Compress API DLL File version: 5.1.2600.0 Size: 2,560 bytes...
2009-09-19, 8394👍, 0💬

setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API
setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: setupapi.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API: File name: setupapi.dll Description: Windows Setup API File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 985,088 bytes Modif...
2009-09-19, 8373👍, 0💬

credui.dll - Credential Manager User Interface
credui.dll - Credential Manager User Interface is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: credui.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of credui.dll - Credential Manager User Interface: File name: credui.dll Description: Credential Manager User Interface File version:...
2009-10-03, 8360👍, 0💬

activeds.dll - ADs Router Layer DLL
activeds.dll - ADs Router Layer DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: activeds.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of activeds.dll - ADs Router Layer DLL: File name: activeds.dll Description: ADs Router Layer DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 193,536 by...
2009-09-19, 8299👍, 0💬

imm32.dll - Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
imm32.dll - Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. IMM stands for Input Method Manager. Download: imm32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of imm32.dll - Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL: File name: imm32.dll Description: Windows XP IMM32 A...
2009-09-29, 8276👍, 0💬

netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL
netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: netapi32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL: File name: netapi32.dll Description: Net Win32 API DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5694 Size: 337,408 bytes Modif...
2009-09-19, 8107👍, 0💬

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