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helper.exe 1.0 - Firefox Helper
helper.exe 1.0 is the "Firefox Helper" executable file included Firefox 9.0. Firefox is a free and open source Web browser. And it is the second most widely used Web browser worldwide.
More information, go to Mozilla Web site.
File Size and location:
File name: helper.exe File path: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe File size: 715216 bytes Last modified time: 12/21/2011 2:24:52 AM
DLL/EXE executable file version information
Internal name: Original file name: helper.exe File description: Firefox Helper File version: 9.0.1 Product name: Firefox Product version: 9.0.1 Company name: Mozilla Corporation Legal copyright: Mozilla Corporation
2012-09-04, 6426👍, 0💬
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